Thursday, September 13, 2012

My little "Virgen"


I have to admit after searching for materials to use for this first project, I realized how much stuff we really have around my home. Within all the things I found, this was the most important one. As I grew up, if there was one thing that I always carried with me in my memories is this sculpture of the Virgin Mary. About 10 years ago I traveled to Mexico for my summer vacation and ended up coming home with this. I remember seeing this at the flea market and thinking, “Que bonita (how beautiful)”. Little did I know, such a small thing would become so sacred to me. For years, this sculpture became my sister and I’s protector at nights. Instead of having a night light, this is what helped me sleep. I remember watching horror movies and not being able to sleep. Even though it was still scary, knowing Virgin Mary would watch over me and having her image around would always send me to sleep. Until this day, this sculpture sits in my room.  A different room from 10 years ago with a different sister to share it with, but plenty of old and wonderful memories.



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